Sunday, November 22, 2015

Two Years

Happy Second Birthday, Little Buddy!

Two was such a fun age with your big sister! I lived through her, watching the mystery of every new day open her eyes to a magical and beautiful world. Her youth made life feel fresh and innocent, again. It’s different with you.

Your brief life did not bring thoughts of fairy princesses and enchanted kingdoms. Your life did not fill me with the vigor and innocence of youth. Your life did not offer empty promises and imagined recollections of what life is not. Your life told a bitter and beautiful truth. Life is temporary.

Life is beautifully temporary.

My days are numbered. I have a limited amount of time to do what I was meant to do on this earth. This very moment counts. It does! I can do something with this moment. I can make it mean something for your momma, sister, and brother. I can make it mean something for the world. I can take every new day as a step on the path to a tomorrow that is better than today. And, when my flesh is rotting into dust, I can rot easy knowing that the purchase was worth the price.

Life was not meant to be easy. Life was meant to be whatever we make it to be. The beauty and mystery of Creation is that God gave us a vote. Life is ours to define.

I want a meaningful life. You reminded me that, despite my very best intentions, my life may be cut tragically short tomorrow. I have all of the time from this very moment until my time ends to fill my life with meaning. I have the rest of my life to make a difference in this world.

Thanks for the reminder, sweet baby girl! Life is temporary, and life is beautiful. I cannot wait to see you again. Until then, I want to make the most of every moment!
